Establishment of a Society in Harmony with Nature

 While responding to the tightening and creation of laws and regulations that deal with chemical substance management within and outside Japan, we are working to reduce environmentally hazardous substances in both product development and production processes. We are also deploying activities toward the achievement of a society that is in harmony with nature, through biodiversity conservation activities and cooperative activities performed with the local community.

Promotion of conservation of biodiversity


 Aiming for a sustainable society in harmony with nature, we have established biodiversity initiative guidelines and are promoting activities throughout the entire Tokai Rika Group.
 We were recognized for our wide range of activities that contribute to biodiversity, such as the extermination of alien species, the conservation of rare species, and the formation of ecosystem networks. We therefore acquired certification under the newly established Aichi Biodiversity Company Certification Program in 2022.


Satoyama preservation activities

 We are participating in the ‘‘Tanbo (paddy field) Quest’’ that is active in Inawashiro Town, Fukushima, and are working to restore abandoned rice terraces. We also hold exchange events with the local community, such as rice planting events, living-thing observation events, local ingredient and regional revitalization events.
 ‘‘Tanbo (paddy field) Quest’’ was born from the desire to preserve the rich nature and ecosystem of the ‘‘Inawashiro Lakeside Forest’’ that spreads across the southwestern foot of Aizu's Mt. Bandai. This is a community revitalization project in which children and adults come together to enjoy growing rice and interacting with living things while protecting the scenery and environment of Inawashiro Town, which is being lost.

生態系の勉強会 田植えイベント 夜の生物観察会

Eradication of Argentine ants

 In cooperation with Kani City, Gifu, we are exterminating the Argentine ant, which is an invasive alien species. Argentine ants are native to South America, and since their invasion was first confirmed in Hiroshima in 1993, their habitat has expanded to other prefectures. Although they are small in size, they are highly aggressive and fertile, driving out almost all existing ant species.
 We have experience with ants in the past due to malfunctioning switches, and we will contribute to the eradication of Argentine ants by making full use of the technology and know-how cultivated through that experience.

Participation in All Toyota Green Wave Project

 We are participating in the Green Wave Project, which aims to create a future where humans and nature coexist. By sharing initiatives with other Toyota Group companies, we are expanding the scope of our activities. Its website introduces each company's activities in harmony with nature.

オールトヨタ グリーンウェーブプロジェクト

Enhancement of the management of chemical substances in products

 We understand the trends in the regulation of chemicals in each country and are switching to products that do not contain regulated substances.


Alternatives to substances subject to REACH regulations

  The fluorine grease used in the power window switch may generate perfluorocarboxylic acid, which is the subject of the REACH Regulation, so we switched to alternatives.

Reduction of environmentally hazardous substances

 In order to reduce risks to people and the environment, we monitor the amount of chemical substances used and emitted in the production process, and promote the reduction of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and substances subject to the PRTR Law, which have a high environmental impact. doing.


Reduction of VOC emissions in products

  In the steering switch painting process, we have minimized VOC emissions by changing to paint with low VOC content and reviewing the mixing ratio of paint and solvent.

  • Sustainability
  • Environmental
  • Establishment of a Society in Harmony with Nature
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